Founded on May 11, 2017

Registered with the Chamber of Commerce of The Netherlands under number 68702310

Registered with the European Transparency Register under number 183253528053-26

Director/owner: Dr. Jan van den Biesen MBA

Parklaan 24, 5613BE Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Tel: +31 6 2041 5788

Email: janvandenbiesen@gmail.com

For professional experience and educational background see CV; more details on LinkedIn profile

Recent articles

“For innovation with impact the next Framework Programme must fully engage industry”

“Openness with restrictions”

“Final review statement by independent experts” of IRIMA II project on Industrial Research and Innovation Monitoring and Analysis

“Wederzijdse versterking – Hoe publieke en private investeringen in onderzoek en ontwikkeling samenhangen”

“Specific support to Malta – Monitoring the Maltese national research and innovation strategy”

“Europees budget voor onderzoek en innovatie volstrekt onvoldoende”

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